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Jericho Bayside 6th Property



This property gifted by John Aragona should become a PERMANENT NEIGHBORHOOD PARK for our residents in Aragona Village.

In 2016 Aragona Village Civic League accidentally stumbled upon plans   that VB Schools was discussing and drawing up proposals to create multi-family housing on the property once it became excess property after moving the Bayside 6th campus. They colluded BEHIND CLOSED DOORS with the Community Development Corp (CDC) a desire to develop this 18-acre parcel (formerly Kemps Landing Magnet School and Aragona Elementary School)!  Quick mobilization of Aragona Village Civic League and our community brought the plans out of the shadows and into the light!  The project was least publicly!


Development of this property for anything other than a park is UNACCEPTABLE for our neighborhood and CANNOT HAPPEN!  We already have 2989 homes!


As the VBCPS plans now develop in 2024 to renovate Bettie F. Williams Elementary and move the Bayside 6th campus into the renovated Bettie F. Williams upon its completion, NOW is the time to make our voices heard!


This property was GIFTED to the city and schools by John Aragona. In the deed it states for a school, not housing. We currently have one quiet park on Romney Lane that is only 1 lot in size and now has no playground equipment.  Our Aragona Village Christ Presbyterian Church Park is on land owned by the church and leased to the city with no guaranties of remaining in perpetuity.  We have no other land in our neighborhood for a dedicated permanent park.


Our desire is that the property be transferred in a gifted or transactional capacity to VB Parks and Recs to create an open space Ability Park and recreation area for Aragona Village and our neighbors.  This is after VBCPS completes using the existing school building.


Check out the VBCPS plans versus our Aragona Village vision!  Stay tuned and support us as we pursue this needed asset for our community!


VBCPS plans discovered in 2016


NOW...check out the vision of Aragona Village for the property!


Contact City Council

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